In This Topic
The HttpWatch Automation classes are contained within the HttpWatch namespace if you are using HttpWatch from .Net (e.g. C# or VB.Net)
| Class | Description |
| Chrome | |
| Content | Holds information about the HTTP resource that was requested. (E.g. an image or an HTML page.) |
| Controller | Provides access to the HttpWatch browser extension and to data in log files. Controller is the only creatable class in the HttpWatch automation library. |
| Cookie | Contains information about a single cookie that was sent to or received from the web server. |
| Cookies | Contains a list of Cookie objects, representing cookies that were sent to or received from the web server. |
| Edge | |
| Entries | Contains a list of Entry objects, representing HTTP transactions that were recording by HttpWatch in the whole log or an individual page group. |
| Entry | Represents a single HTTP transaction in the HttpWatch log. |
| Header | Contains information about a single HTTP header that was sent to or received from the web server. |
| Headers | Contains a list of Header objects that represent HTTP headers sent to or received from the web server. |
| Log | Provides access to data that has been captured by the HttpWatch extension or reloaded from existing log files. |
| Page | Contains information about a web page and the HTTP requests that were used to download it. |
| PageEvent | Contains page level event timing, e.g. DOM Load, Page Load, Render Start |
| PageEvents | Contains the page level event timings |
| Pages | Contains a list of Page objects. |
| Plugin | Allows the user to control the HttpWatch add-on for Edge or Google Chrome |
| POSTParameter | Contains information about a single parameter that was encoded in the body of a HTTP POST request message. |
| POSTParameters | Contains a list of POSTParameter objects, representing parameters that were sent in a POST request, |
| QueryStringValue | Contains information about a single parameter that was encoded in the URL of an HTTP request. |
| QueryStringValues | Contains a list of QueryStringValue objects, representing parameters that were encoded in the URL of an HTTP request. |
| Request | Holds information about the HTTP request message. |
| Response | Holds information about the HTTP response message. |
| ResultSummaries | Contains a list of ResultSummary objects that hold information about errors or HTTP status codes. |
| ResultSummary | Contains information about the number of requests that returned a specific status code or error. |
| Summary | Contains summarized information for requests in a single page or for the whole log. |
| Timing | Contains information about a single timing element, such as the Blocked time or Connect time. (See the remarks detailing the different types of timing element in the Timings object. |
| Timings | Contains the request-level timings for an HTTP request. |
| TimingSummaries | Contains a list of TimingSummary objects holding information about each timing value in the selected list of requests. |
| TimingSummary | Contains summary information about a timing value, such as the Connect time or DNS Lookup time, in the selected list of requests. |
| Warning | Contains information about a warning that was detected for an HTTP transaction. |
| Warnings | Contains a list of Warning objects that were detected for an HTTP request. |
| WarningSummaries | Contains a list of WarningSummary objects that each hold information about the occurrence of a single warning in the selected group of requests. |
| WarningSummary | Contains a summary of the occurrences of a warning. |
| Enumeration | Description |
| CONTENT_ENCODING | The value of this enumeration indicates how textual content was encoded by the web server, |
See Also