Name | Description | |
BrowserName | A string that indicates the type of browser in which the log file was recorded, e.g. "Chrome" | |
BrowserVersion | A string that indicates the version of the browser in which the log file was recorded, e.g. "3.5.6". | |
Comment | Gets or sets a descriptive string for the log. Its value is displayed in the HttpWatch properties window. | |
Entries | Gets a reference to an Entries object that contains a list of all the requests in the log. | |
FilteredEntries | Gets a reference to an Entries object that contains a filtered list of the requests in the log. | |
FilteredPages | Gets a reference to a Pages object that contains a filtered list of the requests in the log. | |
HARVersion | A string containing the version of the HTTP archive (HAR) specification that was used to import this log, e.g. "1.1" | |
HasNetworkTimings | A boolean value indicating whether the log file supports request level timings such as DNS Lookup, TCP Connect and Receive timings. | |
HasPageGrouping | A boolean indicating whether the log contains page grouping information. | |
HasTimeZone | A boolean indicating if time zone information is known for this log. | |
HWLVersion | The version of the HWL file from which this log was read, e.g. '6.0' or '7.0' | |
IsFilterEnabled | Gets a value that indicates whether a current filter is enabled. | |
Pages | Returns a Pages object that contains a list of all the pages in the log. | |
RecordedByAppName | The name of the application that originally recorded the log file, e.g. "HttpWatch Professional Edition" | |
RecordedByVersion | The version of the application that recorded the log file, e.g. "5.3.20". | |
RecordedInBasicEdition | A boolean indicating if the file was originally recorded in HttpWatch Basic Edition. | |
TimeZoneOffsetMinutes | Gets the number of minutes between the recording PC's time and UTC/GMT, providing the HasTimeZone property is true. | |
WasImportedFromHAR | A boolean that indicates if the log file was imported from an HTTP Archive (HAR) file. |